Knowledge, Skills & Solutions

To support the ongoing professional development of the Children’s Social Care Sector Workforce, we deliver Training Courses with a focus on equipping our course participants with the knowledge, skills and solutions they need, to make a positive difference in the life of the Child or Young Person in their Care. Delivered by Care Experienced Professionals, our Courses bring an understanding of the True Voice of the Care Experienced, as they journey through the Care System.

In relation to the feedback from our Transformed You Mentees and research citing ‘they (the outcomes of Children and Young People in Care and Care Leavers) are continuing to be poor compared with their peers who have not been in Care, from education to homelessness, prison populations to mental health, it is increasingly being understood that this is a failure of the system and not of the Children in Care or Care Leaver’, we are able to deliver our Courses to all who work within the System to help change this narrative.

External Training Course Delivery

  • Can be delivered to your Team and Staff on Dates to be agreed and booked

  • Are delivered In Person by Care Experienced Professionals

  • Contact Us here to Book a Training Course

In-house Pop Up Training Course Delivery

Whilst our Courses can be delivered to your Team or Staff, please keep a look out for our In-house Pop Up Training Course Events here.


The Foster Carers Super Powers

Based on The Foster Carers Super Powers Handbook this training course aims to guide Foster Carers on how to identify and bring to life their Super Powers, to continue to make a lasting difference in the life of the one they have chosen to Foster.

This Workshop Style Training Course, will:

  • Provide you insight into the 4 Super Powers

  • Equip you with practical skills on how to bring these Super Powers to life

  • Provide you with insight on how those Kryptonite Moments can have an impact on your Super Powers

  • Empower you to personally develop and plan your way forward

We recommend that you purchase a copy of The Foster Carers Super Powers Handbook as this will help to imbed your learning.

Foster Care and Me

If you’re passionate about improving the outcomes and life chances of children and young people in your Care, then this Bespoke Training Course is for you.

On this Workshop style training course, Judith will unpack each Chapter of her Autobiography to equip Social Workers, Foster Carers, Residential Children’s Home Staff, Personal Advisors, Independent Visitors, School Staff and Designated Teachers with insight, knowledge and practical skills on how to:
  • Hear and understand the ‘Voice’ of the Child or Young Person in their Care

  • Build trust with the Child or Young Person in their Care

  • Plant seeds of wisdom and guidance into the life of the Child or Young Person in their Care

  • Prepare the Child or Young Person for the next Chapter of their life as a Care Leaver

We recommend that you purchase a copy of Foster Care and Me and Hear My Voice! Can I Please Have a Say?! as these resource will help to imbed your learning.

This Book can also be purchased for and to inspire hope in Children and Young People with Care Experience.

Raising Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care

This Workshop Style Training Course, will:

  • Provide you with insight into the History of The Black Care Experience

  • Through scenario based learning, provide you with guidance on how to support the Black Child or Young Person in your Care

  • With the contents of the My Culture Care Box™ we’ll equip you with practical skills on how to identify and meet the needs of the Black Child or Young Person in your Care, affirm their ability to achieve their aspirations and strengthen their connection to their Culture, Identity and Heritage they can be proud of, as they journey through the Care System to transition into adulthood

We recommend that a My Culture Care Box™ is purchased by the Care Givers, for the Black Child or Young Person (age 8 - 16), who are directly in their Care.

  • Take you on a journey to see and understand that Cultural Competence is not a training course, it’s a lifestyle

  • Through live learning, provide you with tailored made solutions on how to raise and care for the Black Child or Young Person in your Care

We recommend that you purchase a copy of We Are Not The Same - Africa and The Caribbean and Our Hair Care, Our Skin Care as these Handbooks will help to imbed your learning.

This training course is designed for:

Foster Carers  | Residential Children’s Care Home Staff | Social Workers and Supervising Social Workers | Independent Visitors | Personal Advisors | Local Authority Virtual School Advisor | Local Authority Independent Reviewing Officers | Designated Teachers and School Staff in Mainstream Schools, Pupil Referral Units and Alternative Provisions
  • Our Training Course is designed to bring an understanding of how to identify and meet the needs of Black Children and Young People who are Bi Racially placed Transracially placed and Cross Culturally placed.

  • Our Training Course is also designed to bring an understanding of how to remain relevant and up to date to meet the needs of Black Children and Young People who are Culturally Matched.


“As you invest in yourself and in your Team, you are ultimately investing in the life and future of the Looked After Child and Young Person that you Foster, Teach or Support”

– The Transformed You