The (My Life, My Skills) sessions helped me to learn alot and I learnt new skills.
My Life, My Skills Mentee
Identity Protected and not Disclosed
Judith, you have been a consistent support to our Looked after Children, almost a full member of the Aspire Virtual School Team. In working together with us you have been able to mentor and support a number of our most vulnerable young people who are at a point of crisis in their lives. Members of the Virtual School have said:
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Judith for her invaluable help with the young people she supports from our local authority, Barking and Dagenham. Judith ensures that the focus is constantly on the needs of the young person, expertly tailoring her support to their specific needs both emotional and practical. Judith is always supportive of the whole professional group around the young person, informing and supporting us all when negotiating our way through some extremely complex issues and emotions.”
“The Transformed You Service is the only provision known to the Aspire Virtual School to provide mentoring whose focus is the child's care experience. The service is advocacy based, ensuring the mentee is best placed to explore their care journey whilst equipped to express their view to the professionals who represent them.”
The work that you have done is now enshrined in our Awards programme and we now proudly give out the annual Judith Denton Resilience Award: For a student from any year group, who has overcome difficulties and managed to stay in education and on track. This is a testament to the high regard with which the Virtual School holds you.
Janet Cassford
Aspire Virtual School Headteacher
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
The Transformed You has helped me to change my characteristics and attitude towards my life and school. What needed changing was my behaviour because I always got into trouble at school. My self-esteem and my confidence was low. Where I was not happy at my Placement this impacted on how well I did at school.
My Mentor is helping me to speak up and respectfully have my say and my Mentor is also helping me to learn how to focus at school. I’m rarely getting into trouble now.
I am now working towards becoming a Professional Footballer and an Athlete. That is my dream and my Mentor is helping me to get there by finding a Football Club. I am already a part of my local Athletics Club. My Mentor is helping me to believe that achieving my dream is possible.
Having a Mentor helps me to speak freely without the fear of being judged. My Mentor also encourages me and understands my problems.
I recommend everyone should have a Mentor because it will help them to understand the right way to go in life.
Year 9 Mentee
Identity Protected and not Disclosed
My Young Person (YP) was being mentored by The Transformed You Intervention and Support Mentor. This particular YP found her Mentor supportive, encouraging and approachable, they were able to build a good rapport and the YP was able to confide in her.
The Intervention and Support Mentor went out of her way to advocate for the YP ensuring that concerns identified were being looked into.
The Mentor ensured that information was shared appropriately with Children’s Services and in a timely manner.
I would recommend this service for all LAC children, even more so for those who may be struggling to remain focused with their studies along with those who are not attending school.
Busola Orotayo
Senior Social Work Practitioner Children’s Services
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
In the academic year 2016-2017, I worked at as Designated Teacher for Looked After Children at Sydney Russell School.
During this time The Transformed You, Intervention and Support Mentor named Judith worked with two of our Looked After Children, providing them support and mentoring. She spent two hours each week (this increased for one student when their circumstances changed) with the two pupils and during this time worked through various different projects, teaching the pupils how to approach difficult situations in different ways and taking a closer look into what they want to be when they are older and how they can achieve this.
However, Judith’s work goes much further than the time she spends each week with the pupils. In the time that I worked with Judith, she played a pivotal role in communicating important information with other professionals; including myself, social workers, carers and members of the Virtual School. She willingly attended meetings regarding the students’ progress and her contribution to the meetings were extremely valuable.
Because of Judith’s input in our young people, we have been able to have a greater insight into how we can work with the students more effectively and meet their varying, complex needs. It has been noticed by myself, as well as other members of staff, that one student, who Judith has been working with, has become much calmer, happier and polite around the school, as well as being able to manage situations in a way which would not have been so easy at an earlier stage. I strongly believe that Judith’s input, support and counsel with this student is a big reason their transformation in school.
Judith’s adaptable, proactive and caring approach towards the students she works with should be highly commended and I appreciate all the support she gladly offered during the time we worked together.
Ms. Sophia Bastin
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children
Sydney Russell School, Dagenham, Essex
Working with my Mentor has changed everything about me. I used to be very angry but now I have calmed down and I am much better.
My Mentor and I discuss my future and the GCSE grades I want to achieve because I am now working towards being an Athlete.
The sessions with my Mentor are good because I have someone to talk to about my feelings and she helps me to speak up about how I feel to my Social Worker. She also gives me advice and I believe she cares about my future.
I think children in care should have a Mentor because some kids are put down by their Parents, Carers and other people and a Mentor will help them to build their confidence and self-esteem as she has done with me.
Year 10 Mentee
Identity Protected and not Disclosed
Judith (The Intervention and Support Mentor) has provided consistent support for the Young Person and has become the ‘voice’ for this individual.
When speaking with Judith she is honest but encouraging about outcomes and speaks frankly about the progress of the Young Person. She is solution focused which helps keep her Mentee in a positive mind-set.
All her work is Young Person orientated and she strives for the best for the Mentees she works with. Judith is very approachable, both staff and students find her easy to talk to and relatable.
Judith is very flexible with scheduling her sessions, she understands that the Young Person has other commitments at school and adjusts her timetable accordingly. It has been a pleasure working with her.
Toni Paul
Pastoral Assistant Year 10
Jo Richardson Community School
Dagenham, Essex
I love The Transformed You as they can listen to my views and opinions and give me amazing advice. I think they absolutely understand me.
When I first met my Mentor (Judith Denton), she was very nice and understanding, but I was very shy and didn’t say much. I’ve come so far because of my Mentor. I never used to say much at meetings or at school if I wanted to change something because I was scared, but now I can’t shut my mouth because I didn’t realise how much speaking up would change my life. E.g In the past no one really listened and I was frightened that I would get told off for sharing my feelings and worries, but I am now finding my voice with The Transformed You!
When I first started with my Mentor, I was in a P.R.U (Pupil Referral Unit) but she has helped me get back into Mainstream School and I am doing really well!
My question to you is do I think that children like me should have a Mentor from The Transformed You? My answer is Yes! Because they truly help you even if you think you can’t be helped, they will help you in one way or another.
Year 10 Mentee
Identity Protected and not Disclosed
I believe The Transformed You service is in place for the young person that I am supporting as she is a Care Leaver still being cared for by Children’s services.
The young person is currently accessing the Transformed You service and has been assigned an Intervention and Support Mentor named Judith Denton. I believe this service is needed to support the young person around empowering, and encouraging them around getting back into education, and by providing advice and guidance allowing the young person to make an informed decision on their course of study.
The positive impact The Transformed You has had on the young person is that Judith has managed to support and empower the young person by providing sound advice in returning back to education. Judith will allow the young person to think about the choices which she has made and will guide her in the right direction should the young person require support around decision making and planning.
Judith is committed to meeting with the young person regularly for weekly session, and she is supportive towards her. Judith ensures that she meets the needs of the young person and will supports her in anyway should any issue arises. Judith will also work in partnership with me in relation the young person that we are both working with and currently supporting.
I can say that the Service is helping to build the confidence and low -self esteem of the young person along with providing the emotional support needed and Judith is professional and when working with the young person, using a young person centered approach.
I recommend The Transformed You service to others based on the support that Judith has provided to for my young person and I believe that this support will benefit other young people greatly, enabling them to access support, advice and guidance in order to help the young people achieve their goals and aspirations and good educational outcomes.
Hilda Thomas
Lead Keyworker at Support & Provide
From time to time, in my work as an Advisory Teacher for LAC, I became increasingly frustrated by the fact that some children and young people ‘ could not be reached’ by the already stretched specialist interventions provided by schools or youth workers.
It wasn’t simply a matter of a LAC ‘being moved to the top of the list,’ for a difference to be made or a problem to be solved. Far from that! It was actually about a LAC meeting a professional, who would have an understanding of who and where they were as well as being compassionate and empathic about their journey. Only then, I knew would they decide to gamble working with them as they had already met too many professionals who hadn’t made their mark. I was looking for a win win situation!
Imagine then my professional delight and excitement when I was introduced to The Transformed You’ Intervention and Support Mentoring Programme, designed to help transform the lives and raise the aspirations of Children in Care and Care Leavers. I believe that the success of the programme lies in the fact that it has been created by a professional who has experienced the highs and lows of the care process and the attachment complexities it brings and has ‘ come out the other side’ believing and knowing, through her own experience, that ‘change is possible’. Judith Denton, the Founder of ‘The Transformed You’ intervention has made it her purpose to ‘help make a difference in the lives of those she can relate to’ through this bespoke programme.
In my role as an Advisory Teacher I have commissioned ‘The Transformed You’ Intervention to work with a number of ‘ hard to reach’ LAC ranging in age from 11- 17 years. Although, the LACs’ individual needs and presentation has been different the main focus has been to raise aspiration and this in turn has brought about a positive change in attitude towards school and a measurable rise in attainment. The programme encourages active participation from the young person, fully recognising the importance of their VOICE being heard. This in turn engages and motivates, helping the individuals to become insightful about the varied experiences in their lives and future possibilities. A solution focus approach is used to turn goals into a reality.
All the young people, who engaged in the ‘Transformed You’ Intervention and Support Mentoring Programme worked hard and became more aspirational seeing and believing that ‘ change is possible’. They realised too that they were just at the start of their journey and that there would still be obstacles to manoeuvre but with the skills and knowledge they acquired from the programme life would be a little easier!
Margery Brooke - Williams
Former Advisory Teacher for LAC
LBBD Aspire Virtual School
There aren’t many words that I could truly get across as to how much I appreciate Judith and all she has done for me over the past 2 years she has been my Mentor.
Honestly, she has been more than a Mentor to me. She does the work that my Social Worker is meant to be doing but is too lazy to do. She sometime acts as my agony aunt and somehow, she is more than willing for me to babble on about nothing and still able to deceiver through all the rubbish I have just spouted to give me great constructive advice. I always prided myself as someone who doesn’t really cry due to being unwilling to tap into my emotions, but I’ve found myself crying more times in Judith’s’ presence than anyone else’s whether its face to face or over the phone whilst I’m having a panic attack.
When I was first told that I would be getting a Mentor I was a bit confused because anyone that knows me will be able to tell you that I don’t do new people, so it took a while for me to open up and actually feel like I could confide in Judith however during that time she never pressured me to “open up” she allowed me figure things out and then decide when I was ready.
I am uncertain as to whether this is a good or bad thing but whenever there is an issue despite no matter how minor the issue might be instead of going to my Social Worker, Foster Career at the time I would always inform Judith first and she would honestly be the one to deal with the issue and make sure that the issue is handled accordingly which says very little about Social Services and their capabilities but that’s a story for a different time.
There is something very reassuring that Judith was also once a child in care and somehow she managed to manoeuvre through all the system and be where she is right now, it allows the advice she gives to hold more weight in comparison to some other people who work in children services as I know that despite the fact our stories are different if she is able to relate.
Judith is truly God send and I would like to reiterate what I said in the beginning, words won’t be able to truly voice how thankful I am for any and everything she has done for me, from buying my groceries so I won’t starve to death, collecting information for me about colleges, helping me find a therapists and to just sitting there every Monday and Thursday evening and just listening to me. There is something very satisfying when you feel like someone is actually listening to you and taking everything, you say into account and for that reason alone I will forever be indebted to Judith.
Thanks for everything.
Care Leaver Mentee
Identity Protected and not Disclosed
I first heard about the services of The Transformed You when they were recommended to us to support a child in serious danger of being permanently excluded from mainstream provision. A LAC child falling out of Mainstream is one of the key things as a Virtual School we seek to avoid. Research shows it is the biggest limiting factor when it comes to academic achievement.
This LAC Pupil’s journey in Care saw her experience numerous Foster Care Placements which was a key issue impact on her progress in education. Her potential was huge but underlying issues affected her desire and belief as a learner to excel and achieve her potential. .
When Tranformed You were engaged she had already built up a high number of internal exclusions and being excluded to a Pupil Referral Unit for a Fixed Term, the LAC Pupil to many she was on a path which would be very difficult to turn around. She was placed on The Transformed You’s Intervention and Support Mentoring Programme with a clear target of being reintegrated back into Mainstream School with a renewed focus to achieve.
The Virtual School was thrilled with the impact of the programme, the Pupil engages well with the Mentor, openly sharing her thoughts, feelings and wishes; this was clearly because the Mentor was care experienced herself. Feedback from the sessions is invaluable and of the highest quality shared in a weekly Report, with the wider Team of Professionals supporting the child (key Virtual School staff, Social Worker and Education Provision) who are then able to acknowledge the ‘voice’ of the LAC Pupil and plan an appropriate way forward to meet their needs.
Each week I read these Reports, and I can see that the Mentor not only gets to the root cause of the issues ‘voiced’ by the LAC Pupil, but the Programme also builds up the confidence and self-esteem of the Pupil to see and believe that they can achieve, along with encouraging them to engage with other Professionals and prepare for any pending transitions.
Needless to say, the LAC Pupil was reintegrated back into Mainstream school, and although there is still ups and downs, is becoming resilient and on her way to succeed. This is a major achievement and we believe is life changing for this child.
This Mentoring service is ‘First Class’ and with LAC disappearing into PRUs or APs being the biggest ceiling to attainment (according to the latest Rees Report on Attainment), I recommend The Transformed You to help you improve their outcomes and life chances.
To that end, we continue to work with The Transformed You who will also be delivering Workshops and facilitating a ‘Creative Drop In’ evening for our LAC Pupils at our forthcoming Virtual School Summer Camp.
David Cregan
Virtual School Headteacher for Looked After Children
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
I am pleased to have known you and been able to support your organisation since you have been working in the borough. I know from the Virtual School about the high quality of your mentoring work with young people in care and the difference it can make for them to work with an adult with experience and understanding of their circumstances – one who can support them towards a positive future.
The Virtual School was thrilled with the impact of the programme, the Pupil engages well with the Mentor, openly sharing her thoughts, feelings and wishes; this was clearly because the Mentor was care experienced herself. Feedback from the sessions is invaluable and of the highest quality shared in a weekly Report, with the wider Team of Professionals supporting the child (key Virtual School staff, Social Worker and Education Provision) who are then able to acknowledge the ‘voice’ of the LAC Pupil and plan an appropriate way forward to meet their needs.
Jane Hargreaves
Commissioning Director Education
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
I began working with my Mentor in May 2018. Before I met her, I was not happy at my Foster Placement and I was going to get kicked out of school. I found it hard to talk because I didn’t think anyone would listen to me or believe me.
With my Mentors help, I can now speak up and she has helped me move to a better Placement. I am doing better at school.
I’m still working with her and the sessions are going well. I have met her at the right time and I think other kids like me should have a Mentor.
Year 11 Mentee
Identity Protected and not Disclosed
Judith has been working with one of our Looked After Students’ since May 2018. She came to Campion to see our student at a time we were struggling to find him the support he needed and to connect with him generally.
He was disillusioned, frustrated and feeling generally ‘let down’ by everyone; in-fact the support he was receiving was proving a complete waste of time and counterproductive.
Speaking to our student after the first meeting, we could tell that this was going to be different. He felt supported and more importantly, understood by Judith. It made a massive difference to him that she had actually ‘walked in his shoes’.
Since supporting our student twice a week over the last 7 months, we have seen a huge improvement in him. He has gone from being a surly, uncooperative student, to one who engages with us and is willing to sit down and discuss issues affecting his future.
Judith has gone above and beyond in her role. She has supported him by listening to him and actually acting on his wishes; she has truly ‘fought his corner’ with Social Services, who have been less than cooperative throughout. Judith arranged and supported our student through a move of Foster Carers (when the relationship had broken down) and made it known that he wanted to see extended family and siblings when this had not been happening.
Our student trusts Judith and when he is going through a tough time, it makes a huge difference that he has a meeting with her in a day or two, which keeps him going as he knows from experience, she will do everything in her power to help.
Judith is completely professional. She always puts our students’ needs first and checks in with the Pastoral Team at Campion to ensure we are delivering a consistent message and level of support to him.
Judith has made such a positive difference to our student, that we would recommend her to work with other students at Campion; we value her support and insight.
Rita Johnson, Alice Hipperson & Aidan Lapena
Pastoral Officers at The Campion School
London Borough of Havering
The Transformed You Project is amazing and I am so impressed with the quality of work done with a young person whom I am the allocated Social Worker for.
Judith is very insightful and understands the needs, difficulties and experiences faced by looked after children. Judith is very passionate and is a great advocate for young people. Judith works well with the Social Work Team and is committed to achieving good outcomes for young people.
The work undertaken is of high a quality and admirable; the stance taken is sensitive and focused which works well for young people. I highly recommend the service.
Tam Pham
Children’s Services Social Worker
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Judith is a warm and approachable person and has a child centred approach. She has been able to build a trusting relationship with the Young Person I am working with.
Judith is available for meetings and provides regular feedback regarding the young person’s wishes and feelings.
This was particularly helpful in terms of the young person’s voice being heard and important issues for him being brought to the forefront.
Ashley Smyth
Social Worker Children Looked After Team
London Borough of Islington
The Transformed You service works directly with Young People in Care who have behavioural, emotional and social difficulties.
I have found this service to be great in making a positive impact on my Young Person (YP).
Judith worked very closely with my YP in a therapeutic way that really benefited her. The approach used by Judith was very child focused and relationship based. My YP had her own individualised plan that worked really well for her. It was tailor fit to suit her and meet her needs. Judith is very passionate about her work and it shows in the work she does with the YP. It also reflected in her relationship with my YP. My YP developed a very strong bond with her and has a lot of trust in her which allowed her to open up and discuss her fears and worries. This is vital when working with vulnerable YP.
A Weekly report is provided to the social worker as well as all the key Professionals involved in the YPs care. The report is very detailed and allows you to follow the progress being made. It also gives information about any issues the YP is experiencing which is targeted and worked through.
Judith is very professional and approachable. I would highly recommend this service for vulnerable YP’s in Care that need extra support and guidance.