Our Passports

To all Children’s Social Care Department Teams (if this relates to you)

Please renew or apply for our Passport whilst we are in Your Care.

If this is not done before we become a Care Leaver, we go on to struggle to meet certain ID requirements, are restricted in being able to travel and find ourselves unable to start to work.

We understand that we may have several moves and several Social Workers and so we ask if that is that case, please make sure that each new Social Worker is aware of their responsibility to continue the Passport application or renewal process until it’s completed.

It may also be an idea to appoint someone in the Department with administrative responsibilities that include making sure our Passports are in place.

We hope this helps and ask that you please be mindful of the impact this can have on our Mental Health, Emotional Wellbeing and our view of you, the Care System.

If you’re In Care or are a Care Leaver, do you have your Passport or are you still waiting for your Social Worker to complete the Passport application? Let us know in the comments or send us an email.


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