Caring for the Black and In Care

The Black Care Experience is established by The Transformed You, to help shape a better care experience for black children and young people who are in Children’s Social Care, because there are issues relating to the disconnection from their culture, identity and heritage when in the System, issues of how they are being cared for in relation to their hair, skin and health, issues relating to how they see themselves and their community, issues relating to their experience of racism and discrimination in the System, which all impacts on their outcomes and life chances.

Now in relation to how Children/Young People who come into the Care System are to be cared for, we understand from the Childrens Act and Guidance, that there is a Legal Duty upon the Local Authority and those who are doing the caring, to take into consideration (amongst other factors) the racial background and ethnicity of the Child or Young Person being cared for.

With that in mind, it is not uncommon for The Black Care Experience to receive calls or emails from those in Children’s Social Care and from those who are doing the caring, of meetings where there is a passing of responsibility around the cost of taking a Black Child or Young Person to the Hairdressers or Barbers along with the debate about the cost of products for their hair or skin.

That said, our understanding is that whatever Children’s Social Care pay (fund) a Foster Carer or Residential Children’s Home, to care for any Child/Young person and in particular a Black Child/Young Person, the costs of hair care and skin care must also be taken into consideration and included in the Care Plan (Package of Care), for those who receive the funds (pay) to use the funds accordingly.

It is also not uncommon for The Black Care Experience to be asked about the skin care and hair care products needed. We hear from the Black Children and Young People who tell us “They think because we look alike, we use the same products”, which is often followed up by a call from a disgruntled Children’s Care Home Staff Member, Foster Carer or Social Worker who has spent money on ‘the wrong products’ or have given the Child or Young person the products they were told would help.

Now we understand, it’s not all about Hair Care and Skin Care, but the universal saying ‘If you look good you feel good’ will resonate with our Children and Young People who would like to present themselves, in a way that helps them to feel comfortable and proud of their culture, identity and heritage, giving them a positive sense of who they are and where they come from.

To that end, we encourage all who work in Children’s Social Care to please engage in Core Training or On-Going Professional Development to be equipped to raise, nurture and care for Black Children and Young People in your Care, as this will help to improve our care journey, our outcomes and life chances.

More Information about The Black Care Experience can be found here.

Welcome to The Transformed You

Established in 2013, The Transformed You is a Care Experienced led organisation, specialising in providing Intervention and Support Mentoring Programmes and Services, to transform the lives and raise the aspirations of Children and Young People in Care and Care Leavers, because we believe that Change Is Possible.

Our Why?

Children and Young People enter the Care System filled with trauma, rejection and fear. Our adverse childhood experiences impact on how we grow and develop, which can present as behaviour and emotional difficulties that impact on our school performance, our home life, our social interactions and how we see ourselves and how we see our future.

Through Our Service we:

  • Teach our Mentees how to identify and channel their emotions

  • Teach them how to respond to and work through difficult and challenging times

  • Support them to learn how to develop healthy social skills

  • Empower them to have a positive sense of who they are

  • Affirm their ability to achieve their aspirations 

  • Help them create a pathway on how to make their dreams their reality

  • Support them to express their views, feelings and wishes to Professionals to make sure their needs are met

  • Equip them with Life Skills for life after Care

More Information about what we do can be found throughout our Website!

We’re an Independent Organisation (not Government Funded) and so if our Cause resonates with you and you’d like to help us continue making a difference in the lives of Children and Young People in Care and Care Leavers, why not consider Shopping With Us or becoming a Pay It Forward Champion.

Thank You in Advance, With Your Help, Change Is Possible!


Our Passports


Becoming a Care Leaver